Our mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth, TX knows there is no amount of asbestos exposure that is safe for the human body. Asbestos is a microscopic fiber that is found naturally, however, has been used on consumer and construction products because of its heat-resistant and flexible properties. The danger is when asbestos gets disturbed and released into the air, where it may be inhaled or ingested. These tiny particles can get stuck in the lungs, causing diseases such as mesothelioma. Asbestos exposure cases can be complex since the presentation of symptoms may not be observed until many years after the exposure incident(s). Victims of asbestos illness and injury are those who have been around high-concentrations of asbestos over a prolonged period of time. If you are someone who suspects your diagnosis is connected to asbestos exposure, please contact DuBose Law Firm, PLLC immediately. We are located in Dallas and can help those suffering from mesothelioma throughout Texas.
How Asbestos is Used
Asbestos is a fiber that is used in fire retardant and insulation, along with a variety of other products. Asbestos may produce dust-like particles that can get deposited in the lungs and stomach. Asbestos that stays in the lungs can contribute to medical conditions, especially mesothelioma. This condition is a malignant form of cancer that is located in the abdominal cavities or lining of the chest. Due to awareness of its negative effects in the 1970’s, federal regulations for asbestos began. This mineral fiber is now strictly regulated by the government. If you have an illness that is asbestos-related, it could be because a person, company, or other party was negligent in keeping you safe. If you believe this could be the case, we urge you to speak with a mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth as soon as possible.
Mesothelioma Basics
Mesothelioma is a rare condition, but it is an aggressive form of cancer that is almost exclusively caused by asbestos exposure. Those who develop mesothelioma have likely had exposure that was concentrated and repeated over a sustained period of time. Heavy exposure could have been for as short as just a couple of months, but for others, the exposure was years long. Symptoms of mesothelioma can include a cough, difficulty swallowing, lumps, hoarseness, weight loss, located pain, fluid and swelling buildup, painful breathing, shortness of breath, fever, respiratory infection, digestive problems, fatigue and anemia, and bowel problems. If you or a loved one has suffered from mesothelioma, you should seek guidance from a legal team who knows how to handle cases like these.
DuBose Law Firm, PLLC Can Help
We prioritize the health and wellbeing of every client that comes to us. We are aware of the negligence that can lead to asbestos exposure. We firmly believe that those who have had their lives impacted from asbestos exposure are owed fair restitution for their suffering. It’s devastating to realize that the parties who you trusted with your safety failed to provide that, which led to your current medical condition or diagnosis. Please do not hesitate to speak with our mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth about a potential case. The team at DuBose Law Firm, PLLC are here for you.
Seeking Justice After Occupational Asbestos Exposure Leads to Mesothelioma
Our compassionate mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth, TX knows individuals who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to occupational asbestos exposure are suffering through a great ordeal. Dealing with this devastating diagnosis is not just a medical challenge but a legal one as well.
Gathering Evidence of Occupational Exposure
When seeking justice for mesothelioma caused by occupational asbestos exposure, assembling comprehensive evidence is paramount. You should collect all relevant workplace records, including employment history, job descriptions, and details of asbestos-containing materials present in your workplace. Your lawyer can take the testimony of colleagues or coworkers who can corroborate your exposure to asbestos while on the job.
Your mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth will also obtain important medical records documenting your mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. These records serve as crucial evidence linking your illness to asbestos exposure. Secondhand Exposure
Household exposure to asbestos occurs when individuals inadvertently inhale or ingest asbestos fibers carried on the clothing or personal items of those who have been directly exposed to asbestos. This household or secondary exposure can also lead to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses. If you believe you are suffering from secondhand exposure, you should speak with your lawyer immediately.
Proving Liability and Negligence
Your mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth knows that to file a successful personal injury claim, you must establish liability and negligence on the part of the responsible parties. These may include employers, manufacturers of asbestos-containing products, or property owners. Key elements include:
- Causation: Demonstrating a direct link between your mesothelioma and occupational asbestos exposure is essential. Expert medical opinions, based on your records and history, can help establish this connection.
- Duty of Care: Establish that the responsible parties had a duty of care to protect you from asbestos exposure, which may involve providing adequate safety measures and informing employees about potential hazards.
Seeking Legal Representation
Dealing with the legal complexities of a personal injury claim for mesothelioma due to occupational asbestos exposure can be overwhelming. This is where we come in. Our experienced legal team understands the intricacies of asbestos-related claims and is committed to helping you seek the justice and compensation you deserve.
Help When You Are Struggling
If you or a loved one is grappling with mesothelioma following occupational asbestos exposure, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office for a consultation. We are here to provide you with the legal expertise and support needed to file a successful personal injury claim. Your health and well-being are our top priorities, and we will tirelessly advocate for your rights.
Take the first step toward justice today by contacting DuBose Law Firm, PLLC. Our compassionate attorneys are ready to assist you in seeking the compensation and relief you need to cope with the devastating consequences of occupational asbestos exposure. Your fight is our fight, and we are here to stand by your side. Contact our mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth now to start your journey toward justice and healing.
Collecting Essential Evidence for Your Mesothelioma Claim
When it comes to pursuing a mesothelioma claim, having the right evidence is paramount, as our mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth, TX can tell you. We understand the complexities of mesothelioma cases and the significance of compelling evidence.
Medical Records as The Foundation of Your Claim
One of the most critical pieces of evidence in a mesothelioma claim is your medical records. These records contain essential information about your diagnosis, treatment, and the progression of your illness. They serve as the foundation upon which your claim is built.
Your medical records should include:
- Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Clear documentation of your mesothelioma diagnosis by a qualified medical professional is essential. This includes details of the type and stage of mesothelioma you have.
- Histopathology Reports: Histopathology reports from biopsies or surgical procedures provide microscopic evidence of mesothelioma. They confirm the presence of mesothelioma cells and are a critical component of your evidence.
- Treatment Records: Detailed records of the treatments you’ve undergone, such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, are crucial. They demonstrate the extent of your medical intervention and its impact on your condition.
Work History and Asbestos Exposure Records
As our mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth knows, proving asbestos exposure is central to a mesothelioma claim. You’ll need evidence that shows where and how you were exposed to asbestos. This evidence can include:
- Employment Records: Gathering employment records from your past employers can help establish a timeline of your exposure to asbestos. It’s crucial to identify employers who may have exposed you to asbestos-containing materials.
- Witness Statements: Statements from colleagues, coworkers, or anyone who can attest to your asbestos exposure at your workplace can be invaluable. Witness testimony can corroborate your claims.
- Product Identification: If you recall specific asbestos-containing products you worked with, your testimony concerning those exposures is critical. Documentary evidence concerning exposure can also be important. .
Speak With Our Team Now
Navigating a mesothelioma claim can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to go through it alone. We have the experience and expertise to assist you in gathering the necessary evidence to build a strong mesothelioma claim. In mesothelioma claims, the evidence you gather can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. It’s essential to compile comprehensive medical records, employment history, and asbestos exposure proof. If you or a loved one is pursuing a mesothelioma claim, contact DuBose Law Firm, PLLC, today. Let us guide you through the process and help you secure the compensation and justice you deserve. When you are ready to move forward with your claim, give our mesothelioma lawyer serving Fort Worth a call for help.